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IV Therapy Locator®, the nation’s largest IV therapy directory, helps you find experienced IV nutrient therapy specialists throughout the United States who offer customized IV vitamin drips for athletic performance, greater immunity, treatment of chronic diseases and greater overall health.

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Welcome to IV Therapy Doctors Directory

Search the largest database of IV Therapy Providers in the United States! IV Therapy Locator® is the most comprehensive Intravenous Therapy Provider Directory on the internet. We feature a vast selection of IV Infusion Therapy Providers across the Country. It is vital to your health and wellness that you speak with an experienced IV Therapy Specialist regarding Intravenous Nutrient Therapy.


Learn more about the health benefits of IV therapy

Intravenous nutrient therapy is instrumental in bringing symptom relief for a wide range of health conditions, many people also turn to IV therapy so they can continue to stay well as a preventative medicine treatment.

The procedure is well known for its ability to boost immunity, increase energy, and improve overall health. In fact, many anti-aging specialists offer Intravenous nutrient therapy as one of their primary services. Additionally, people with long-term health problems often turn to IV therapy when other treatments fail to bring lasting relief.

Improved Energy

The patient has the physical and mental energy required to keep up with everyday responsibilities and push himself or herself to take on new challenges.

Symptom Relief

Experience fewer symptoms of common illnesses like colds and flu. A strong immune system is the direct result of improved nutrition with IV therapy.

Combat Infection and Disease

People are less likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other serious problems when their cells receive adequate nutrients.

Better Digestion

Gas, bloating, frequent belching, stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea can make your life miserable. Fortunately, the nutrients in IV therapy don’t enter the gastrointestinal tract at all and therefore can’t aggravate the symptoms. These problems actually improve while the patient still receives necessary nutrition.


Mercury and other harmful metals and minerals are present in food, air, water, household products, and more. When these toxins build in the bloodstream, the person can become very ill. IV therapy helps to flush the toxins out of the body.

Improved Performance

Amateur and professional athletes can realize a significant improvement in their performance with regular IV therapy. It provides the energy, strength, and endurance they need to be their best.

Fast Recovery

People who have completed IV therapy tend to recover faster from invasive surgery due to improved cellular strength and optimal nutrition.

IV Therapy Specialists

A healthy doctor-patient relationship is essential to your overall wellbeing. Just as every patient is unique, each IV Therapy Provider is different, and offers his or her own approach and IV Therapy options.

Many IV Therapy Providers also offer weight-loss programs and general wellness services in addition to Intravenous Nutrient Therapy. Costs vary from clinic to clinic so we recommend speaking with several IV Therapy Specialists in your area, so you can pick the best match for you and your health.

Using IV Therapy Directory is a great step toward feeling better and improving your wellness!

Locate Intravenous Nutrient Therapy Clinics Near You

Please click on a state below and visit the profile pages of the IV Therapy Providers close to you. Contact your favorites to talk about your symptoms, ask questions and schedule your first intravenous nutrient therapy session.
